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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 6.8 KB | 367 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DWindow.cp
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <6> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <5> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <4> 9/20/92 MTG Bringing the C++ code up to date with the THINK C version
- <3> 8/9/92 MTG merging changes from the ThinkC version
- <2> 8/8/92 MTG clearing up un-used variables
- To Do:
- */
- // the is the Class definition for the DWindow class
- #include "DWindow.h"
- #include "DDocument.h"
- #include "DEventHandler.h"
- #include <DinkUtils.h>
- DWindow::DWindow(void)
- {
- //stub!!
- }
- DWindow::~DWindow(void)
- {
- DisposHandle( (Handle) fPrintRecord);
- }
- Boolean DWindow::Init(DDocument *doc, Boolean hasColorWindows)
- {
- WindowPtr prevFrontWindow;
- Point corner;
- RgnHandle theGrayRgn;
- Rect r;
- SetRect(&r, 0,0,0,0);
- fVOffSet = 0;
- fHOffSet = 0;
- theGrayRgn = GetGrayRgn();
- fGrowWindowLimits = (**theGrayRgn).rgnBBox;
- fGrowWindowLimits.top = MINHIGHT;
- fGrowWindowLimits.left = MINWIDTH;
- fPrintRecord = (THPrint) NewHandle(sizeof(TPrint) );
- //set up the print record with the last printer settings
- if(fPrintRecord != NULL)
- {
- PrOpen();
- PrintDefault(fPrintRecord);
- PrClose();
- }
- prevFrontWindow = FrontWindow();
- if(prevFrontWindow != NULL)
- {
- SetPort( prevFrontWindow);
- corner.v = prevFrontWindow->portRect.top;
- corner.h = prevFrontWindow->portRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&corner);
- }
- fDoc = doc;
- if(hasColorWindows)
- fWindowPtr = GetNewCWindow(rWindowID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1L);
- else
- fWindowPtr = GetNewWindow(rWindowID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1L);
- if(fWindowPtr)
- {
- fNextHandler = fDoc;
- SetWRefCon(fWindowPtr, (long)this); // tie this to window for activate events!!
- if(prevFrontWindow != NULL)
- MoveWindow(fWindowPtr, corner.h + kStagger, corner.v + kStagger, TRUE);
- ShowWindow(fWindowPtr);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- KillMeNext();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }// end of Init member function
- void DWindow::Draw( Rect *area)
- {
- #ifdef THINK_C
- FillRect( area, dkGray);
- #else
- FillRect( area, &qd.dkGray);
- #endif
- // This lets you know that you forgot a
- // virtual override of this guy....
- }
- void DWindow::HandleUpdateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- SetPort (fWindowPtr);
- BeginUpdate (fWindowPtr);
- if( !EmptyRgn(fWindowPtr->visRgn) )
- Draw( &(fWindowPtr->portRect));
- DrawGrowIcon( fWindowPtr);
- EndUpdate(fWindowPtr);
- inherited::HandleUpdateEvt(theEvent);
- }
- void DWindow::HandleActivateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- FocusOnContent();
- if( !EmptyRgn(fWindowPtr->visRgn) )
- Draw( &(fWindowPtr->portRect));
- DrawGrowIcon(fWindowPtr);
- inherited::HandleActivateEvt(theEvent);
- }
- Boolean DWindow::KillMeNext(void)
- {
- Boolean inheritedSuccess = FALSE;
- if(fAlive && fDoc->WindowClosed(this))// to give the user a chance to back out of the close...
- {
- if (inheritedSuccess = inherited::KillMeNext() )
- {
- //
- // These have to be after the inherited call
- // to avoid getting stuck in a recursive
- // stack smashing mess. I'm looking for a better way.
- //
- DisposeWindow( fWindowPtr );
- }
- }
- return inheritedSuccess;
- }
- void DWindow::HandleMouseDown(EventRecord *theEvent, short thePart, WindowPtr theWindow)
- {
- if (theWindow == fWindowPtr)
- {
- switch( thePart)
- {
- case inGoAway:
- if (TrackGoAway(theWindow, theEvent->where) )
- KillMeNext();
- break;
- case inDrag:
- DoDrag(theEvent);
- break;
- case inGrow:
- DoGrow(theEvent);
- break;
- case inZoomIn:
- case inZoomOut:
- if( TrackBox( theWindow, theEvent->where, thePart) )
- DoZoom(thePart);
- break;
- case inContent:
- DoContent(theEvent);
- break;
- }// end switch
- }
- else
- ; // do nothing but pass it on
- inherited::HandleMouseDown(theEvent, thePart, theWindow);
- }
- void DWindow::DoDrag(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- RgnHandle theGrayRgn;
- Rect r;
- theGrayRgn = GetGrayRgn();
- r = (**theGrayRgn).rgnBBox;
- DragWindow(fWindowPtr, theEvent->where, &r);
- }// end member function DoDrag
- void DWindow::DoGrow(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- long result;
- RgnHandle theGrayRgn;
- Rect r;
- theGrayRgn = GetGrayRgn();
- r = (**theGrayRgn).rgnBBox;
- r.top = MINHIGHT; r.left = MINWIDTH;
- r = fGrowWindowLimits;
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- result = GrowWindow(fWindowPtr, theEvent->where, &r);
- if(result != 0)
- {
- r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- r.left = r.right - kScrollBarPos;
- InvalRect(&r);
- EraseRect(&r);
- r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- r.top = r.bottom - kScrollBarPos;
- InvalRect(&r);
- EraseRect(&r);
- SizeWindow(fWindowPtr, LoWrd(result), HiWrd(result), TRUE);
- r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- r.left = r.right - kScrollBarPos;
- InvalRect(&r);
- EraseRect(&r);
- r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- r.top = r.bottom - kScrollBarPos;
- InvalRect(&r);
- EraseRect(&r);
- }// end if
- }// end of member function DoGrow
- void DWindow::DoZoom(short thePart)
- {
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- EraseRect(&fWindowPtr->portRect);
- ZoomWindow(fWindowPtr, thePart, fWindowPtr == FrontWindow());
- InvalRect(&fWindowPtr->portRect);
- }// end member function DoZoom
- void DWindow::DoContent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- ; // stub!!
- }// end member function DoContent
- void DWindow::DoPageSetUp(void)
- {
- PrOpen();
- (void)PrStlDialog(fPrintRecord);
- PrClose();
- }
- void DWindow::DoPrint(void)
- {
- TPPrPort printPort;
- Rect r;
- TPrStatus status;
- THPrint tmpPrintRecord;
- tmpPrintRecord = fPrintRecord;
- PrOpen();
- if (PrValidate(tmpPrintRecord) )
- if (!PrStlDialog(tmpPrintRecord) )
- {
- PrClose();
- return;
- }
- if (!PrJobDialog(tmpPrintRecord) )
- {
- PrClose();
- return;
- }
- printPort = PrOpenDoc(tmpPrintRecord, NULL, NULL);
- PrOpenPage(printPort, NULL);
- SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- Draw(&r);
- PrClosePage(printPort);
- PrCloseDoc(printPort);
- if ((**tmpPrintRecord).prJob.bJDocLoop != 0)
- PrPicFile(tmpPrintRecord, NULL, NULL, NULL, &status);
- PrClose();
- // now clean up the mess we made on the screen!!!
- FocusOnWindow();
- InvalRgn( ((WindowPeek)fWindowPtr)->contRgn);
- }
- void DWindow::SetWindowTitle(void)
- {
- StringPtr title;
- if(fDoc->fFileRef != 0) //fFileRef is the file open flag.
- {
- title = (fDoc->fFileReply->sfFile).name;
- SetWTitle(fWindowPtr, title);
- }
- }
- void DWindow::FocusOnContent(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- SetOrigin(fHOffSet, fVOffSet);
- GetContentRect(&r);
- ClipRect(&r);
- }/*end of function*/
- void DWindow::FocusOnWindow(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- SetPort(fWindowPtr);
- SetOrigin(0,0);
- r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- ClipRect(&r);
- }/*end of function*/
- void DWindow::GetContentRect(Rect *r)
- {
- *r = fWindowPtr->portRect;
- r->right -= kScrollBarPos;
- r->bottom -= kScrollBarPos;
- }/*end of function*/